Monday, December 10, 2007

A soil plot for unscrupulous women...

Hoegaarden, a classic Belgian White-ale... possibly the definitive white-ale currently available to the U.S. pours a cloudy pale-straw color with thick creamy head.  Aromas of coriander, orange peel and a bit of floral...Taste is similar to the smell...lots of citrus comes through, with a nice coriander finish.   Mouth feel is creamy with an effervescence similar to sparkling wines...not your typical beer carbonation..

As far as I know noone sells it in Morgantown, I managed to find it on a trip down to Princeton,  WV this weekend (of all places to find it...)


  1. Believe it or not, I just picked up a 6er of this at the Shop N' Save on Fairmont Ave. a few days ago. I still can't find the Harpoon Winter Warmer though. Oh well, I will be in VT soon and NC sooner, where good brews abound.

  2. I spoke too soon...they actually had it at Kroger...this is what happens when you don't have a car and only go grocery shopping at Wal-Mart with your Persian roommates....
